
NameTypeRequirenessDefault valueDescription
daysarrayrequirednoneArray of BatchDayDto objects.
property_uidstringrequirednoneUID of property.
is_user_actionbooloptionalfalseIs request was caused by user action


KeyTypeRequirenessDefault valueDescription
datestringrequirednoneDate YYYY-MM-DD.
pricefloatrequirednoneNightly price.
currencystringrequirednoneCurrency code (3 symbols).
min_stayintoptionalnoneMinimum stay length.


Set property's calendar data for separate days. Data will be applied only if user's property setting allows it, otherwise data will be saved for further user's review.

This endpoint requires the following scope: pricing-management

Request sample

    "property_uid": "e3ddcd1a-0e3e-4649-91be-c59d7b56",
            "date": "2021-02-08",
            "currency": "CAD",
            "price": 52,
            "min_stay": 2
            "date": "2021-02-09",
            "currency": "CAD",
            "price": 52,
            "min_stay": 1,
            "is_available": 0
            "date": "2021-02-10",
            "currency": "CAD",
            "price": 50,
            "min_stay": 4
    "is_user_action": false

Response sample

    "status": 0

If the requested property has been merged into another, an error message is returned which contains the valid propertyUid

Sample error response:

    "error": {
        "message": "Property GSOXS92H472AFNZC has been merged into qc11106314. Please re-sync the list of user's properties",
        "code": 13,
        "newPropertyUid": "qc11106314"

To propose prices, re-sync user properties and use new Property Uid.